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Herkunft: Muggensturm
Beiträge: 10546
Dabei seit: 08 / 2009


Gepostet: 08.01.2014 - 18:45 Uhr  ·  #1
James Leon Diggs, Larry Bell, and Jerry Norris -- from Washington, D.C., were Chess Records' answer to the Impressions. A&R director Billy Davis was so enamored with Diggs' songwriting skills that he signed them to a deal, even though Diggs was already contracted to Chess with Richard Dunbar as the Knight Brothers. They sounded totally different -- the Knight Brothers sang emotionally gripping, down-home soul with heavy gospel overtones, while The Carltons' breezy, soulful sounds were reminiscent of second-tier Impressions.
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THE CARLTONS - Ooh Baby -A-.jpg
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