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Gepostet: 26.10.2009 - 20:39 Uhr  ·  #1
Johnny Rivers kam am 7. November 1942 in New York als John Henry Ramistella auf die Welt. Als Johnny fünf Jahre zählte zogen seine Eltern nach Baton Rouge, Louisiana, wo er aufwuchs und sehr von der Musik dieser Region beeinflußt wurde. Mit vierzehn gründete er eine High School Band, The Spades, mit denen er bereits Plattenaufnahmen bei SUEDE, einem Label aus Natchez, Missouri, machte. Seine erste Single wurde dann im Februar 1958 veröffentlicht:
02 58....SD 1401....JOHNNY RAMISTELLA AND ORCHESTRA..Two By Two (SO 282)/Little Girl (SO 283)
03 58....Gone 5026....JOHNNY RIVERS..Baby, Come Back (G 135)/Long, Long Walk (G 136)
10 58....2003....JOHNNY RIVERS Orchestra conducted by EDDY THOMAS..You're The One (JR 1)/A Hole In The Ground (JR 2)
03 59....NO. 239 A....JOHNNY RIVERS The Dee Dee Orch. conducted by Irving Spice..Your First And Last Love (ZTSP 28999)/ B (There'll Be Blue Birds Over) The Withe Cliffs Of Dover (ZTSP 28998)
09 59....K9047....JOHNNY RIVERS..Everyday (59 OR 48 )/Darling Talk To Me (59 OR 49)
01 60....K9058....JOHNNY RIVERS..The Customary Thing (59 OR 69)/Answer Me, My Love (59 OR 70)
01 61....3037....JOHNNY RIVERS..Call Me (45 BSN 100)/Andersonville (--------)
03 61....C 1070....JOHNNY RIVERS..Knock Three Times (45 1070 A)/I Get So Doggone Lonesome (45 1070 B)
12 61....C 1096....JOHNNY RIVERS Arranged and Conducted by JIMMY HASKELL..Blue Skies/That Someone Should Be Me
06 62....C-1108....JOHNNY RIVERS..To Be Loved/Too Good To Last
10 62....4850....JOHNNY RIVERS..Long Black Veil/This Could Be The One
02 63....4913....JOHNNY RIVERS..If You Want It, I've Got It (45 38667)/My Heart Is In Your Hands (-----------)

Seine große Karriere begann erst 1964. Der Rocknroll war längst vorbei und er machte mit Rocknroll-Cover-Versionen das große Geschäft.
Keep Searchin'
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Herkunft: Wien
Beiträge: 25422
Dabei seit: 09 / 2008


Gepostet: 26.10.2009 - 20:42 Uhr  ·  #2
Es handelt sich hier tatsächlich nur um eine einzige Single wo der Logo-Wechsel auf einer Platte vollzogen wurde
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Herkunft: Bonn
Beiträge: 59429
Dabei seit: 03 / 2005


Gepostet: 26.10.2009 - 20:53 Uhr  ·  #3
Interessant ist vielleicht die Geschichte von DEE DEE Records,
welches eigentlich Dolores Enterprises heisst und auf dem
1674 Broadway in NY residierte. Hinter der Firma verbarg sich
das Modell und die Schauspielerin Dolores Fuller, über die es
eine ausführliche Biografie im ROCK & ROLL MUSIKMAGAZIN
gab. Dolores Fuller war die Muse des katastrophal schlechten
Kultregisseurs ED WOOD, sorgte aber auch für Pin-Up-Fotos
im Spind der US-Soldaten. Sie schrieb sogar Musikstücke und
war nicht nur mit ihrem Namen in DEE DEE Records involviert.

Dolores Fuller Interview

Q : How did you get started writing songs for Elvis movies?
A : Well I have to attribute my break in getting into songwriting for Hal Wallis. He was an old friend of mine, and when I was trying out for a part in the "Blue Hawaii" movie, he said, "Dolores, if you can write like this, why would you wanna be an actress?" He says, "It's a much more rewarding career." And goes on and on, the rest of your life. And so he says, "Tomorrow morning you be at Hill and Range and meet Freddy Bienstock and we'll put you with one of the writing teams." The competition is terrible. Twelve teams of writers, the top writers in the country. Tepper and Bennett, Mack David, all, everybody trying for the title song. But I had had this background in acting. Whereas I would try for the dance number, and usually get it. Because I also had years of ballet training. And I could motivate the plot. Where some of the others, it just put a song in here. In fact, when "Spinout" was given to me as a script, it was called "Raceway." Joe Pasternak, MGM picture. And I said, "Oh God, all these writers are gonna be trying for the title, I gotta think of something else." So I wrote "Spinout" with Ben Weisman, and they liked it very much and changed the title of the movie.

Q : What was it like to work with Elvis?

A : Well, you didn't really work with Elvis. If you were lucky, I was invited to the set, when they were shooting one of my songs. And Elvis was very well mannered, he called me ma'am. And he would come over to me and sometimes invite me over to some party that was going on, when he lived over in Bel Air. And sometimes I'd have lunch with him at the commissary. But mainly you just worked with the publisher. And all these teams of writers would submit their songs, and I'm lucky enough to have gotten 12 movies. "Rock-A-Hula Baby" was probably the most important. "Do the Clam" and "Spinout." "I Got Lucky," "Beyond the Bend," "Cindy Cindy." "Big Love Big Heartache," you know. Fun.

Q : Did Hal Wallis's advice stick did you go back to acting?

A : Oh, you know, that's something you always want to do if you have the opportunity. In fact, I sometimes train younger people for diction and speech. There's a wonderful little actress in Las Vegas where I live, Brooke Rogers. Ever since she was 13 years old, that was her whole desire is to be an actress. When you find a talented young person like that, you have to help them, you know. So I didn't want her to sound like every other kid in the school, and she had to lower her voice and let your tones glide down evenly, and you know, a lot of exercises that I had gone through for years and years with Stella Adler.

Q : You were married to--,

A : Oh, I'm married to Philip Chamberlain, who is a film historian. He was the director of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. And he started the film department of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. And he has 50,000 files on the history of film. And he's putting together a web page, so everybody can write books or want any history of the old films, can find out about the directors. And we have negatives that no one else has. They can send in for them.

Q : Tell us about Ed Wood.

A : Oh. I loved that man. He was so talented. And if he was only alive today to see what was going on, how many young film writers, producers, would-be producers, you know, associate themselves with him. They say "If he did it, I can do it." I met him when he was looking for somebody that he could groom. So I guess he interviewed a lot of young actresses. But I came in with an angora sweater. And he loved angora. And I had a couple of jobs and a car. So anyway, we fell in love and we became actually a team. We worked together as a team. And the way the "Ed Wood" movie is, you'd never know that. They portrayed me sort of as an actress just out to get what I could get as a part. But I contributed all the wardrobe because I worked for some of the top manufacturers of clothing. So anything he wanted I could say, "Yes, we could use that for this scene and put their name on the screen." So he never had to worry about wardrobe for any of his pictures for the women.

Q : What about Johnny Depp's characterization of Ed?

A : It was beautiful. Eddie was not always that up. He had his heartbreaks too. It was a little Andy Hardy, but oh, what a great actor he is. And I just loved the portrayal. He captured a great deal of Eddies personality.

Q : What about Sarah Jessica Parker?

A : Sarah Jessica Parker smoked all the time. And I never would smoke. And she didn't contact me. Here she's playing my life, and she didn't bother to do any research. And when she was asked, on the David Letterman Show, by David Letterman, "What's Dolores like, is she still alive? What did she do with her life?" She turned her head, because she didn't want to give me any air time, she said, "I'm going home and have a ground glass cocktail." You know, just, ornery.

Q : Did you ever meet her?

A : I met her at the press party after the "Ed Wood" movie. And she said, "I just got through telling everybody that I just played the part of the worst actress in the history of film." That wasn't nice, it wasn't professional. She didn't know me, you know. It hurt.

Q : Thanks very much.

Keep Smiling!
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Herkunft: Berlin
Beiträge: 51529
Dabei seit: 10 / 2008


Gepostet: 28.10.2009 - 02:23 Uhr  ·  #4
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Herkunft: Berlin
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Dabei seit: 10 / 2008


Gepostet: 28.10.2009 - 02:24 Uhr  ·  #5
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Herkunft: Berlin
Beiträge: 51529
Dabei seit: 10 / 2008


Gepostet: 28.10.2009 - 02:28 Uhr  ·  #6
hier ein Autogramm, als er mit Zoot Money gemeinsam auftrat, wie man am Foto-Ausschnitt
sieht, braucht Johnny nur Orangensaft um fit für den Auftritt zu sein.
Gruss Billy
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Titel: Rivers, Johnny --1_Bildgröße ändern.jpg
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Herkunft: Ocholt
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Dabei seit: 07 / 2006

Johnny Rivers

Gepostet: 28.10.2009 - 11:46 Uhr  ·  #7
Hallo zusammen,

eine mexicanische und 2 spätere deutsche Scheiben kann ich ergänzen.

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Information: Johnny Rivers Germany 15 464
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Titel: rivers johnny gx 07-288 - mexico.jpg
Information: Johnny Rivers Mexico GX 07-288
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Herkunft: Kassel
Homepage: ralfs-radio-blog.b…
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Dabei seit: 01 / 2008

Johnny Rivers - Baby I Need Your Lovin

Gepostet: 29.10.2009 - 01:09 Uhr  ·  #8

hier zweimal Johnny Rivers (späte 60er) mit "Baby I Need Your Lovin". US-Imperial und deutsche Liberty Pressung.

Gruß Ralf
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Titel: Imperial 66227 (Cover).Jpg
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Herkunft: Berlin
Beiträge: 51529
Dabei seit: 10 / 2008


Gepostet: 29.10.2009 - 06:04 Uhr  ·  #9
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Herkunft: Berlin
Beiträge: 51529
Dabei seit: 10 / 2008


Gepostet: 29.10.2009 - 06:06 Uhr  ·  #10
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Berlin
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Dabei seit: 10 / 2008


Gepostet: 29.10.2009 - 06:07 Uhr  ·  #11
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Herkunft: Berlin
Beiträge: 51529
Dabei seit: 10 / 2008


Gepostet: 29.10.2009 - 06:09 Uhr  ·  #12
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