Crispian St.Peters - You were on my mind (plus)

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Herkunft: Berlin
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Dabei seit: 10 / 2008

Re: Crispian St.Peters - You were on my mind (plus)

Gepostet: 25.11.2009 - 12:45 Uhr  ·  #25
und noch eine Coverversion von 1966 mit anderem Text. (Die ich nie auflege)
Gruss Billy
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Herkunft: Berlin
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Re: Crispian St.Peters - You were on my mind (plus)

Gepostet: 15.06.2010 - 21:07 Uhr  ·  #26
5th April 1939 to 8th June 2010

Crispian St. Peters the 60’s Pop Star passed away this week 8th June 2010 aged 71 after a series of illnesses that kept him chair bound and unable to continue the music career he so loved for over 50 years.

Crispian St.Peters a lifelong resident of Swanley in Kent UK began his career in 1956 with local Kent bands 'The Hard Travellers”, “The Two Tones”, 'The Country Gentlemen”, “Beat Formula Three” and “Peter & The Wolves”.

He was signed by Decca in 1965 who released his single 'At This Moment' bringing TV appearances that eventually and inevitably lead to fame with Top Ten hits records 'You Were On My Mind' in 1965 and 'Pied Piper' which made No.1 in Canada in 1966, and many other recordings which are still intensely played worldwide.

Crispian’s astounding fame and unbelievable talent spread around the world, where he was met by screaming fans in every country he visited. His self penned songs were written with true emotion and when performing he sang with such feeling and a natural professionalism that left his audiences wanting more, unable to believe the overwhelming talent and charisma that oozed from this remarkable man with the wonderful voice.

Crispian was loved, cherished and admired by anyone and everyone fortunate enough to meet him. To know him a pleasure, to hear him sing an experience of a lifetime. He spent his whole life dedicated to his love of music. He travelled the world performing and entertaining on many radio and television shows, continually writing new songs, many still not heard by the public.

In 2001 Due to worsening health problems Crispian officially retired, his last major public performance was in 1999 with the Fortunes at Dartford.

Over the years Crispian suffered 3 nervous breakdowns, a divorce, a major stroke, Pneumonia and then Emphysema. In a conversation with his record company in 2010 as chirpy as usual he said “ I have just come out of hospital again, I am on permanent oxygen and can’t walk. The good news is though, I have given up smoking those big cigars”.

The Pied Piper was originally written by Steve Dubof and Artie Kornfeld who is also known as the music promoter and Father of the Woodstock Festival. Artie says “I co-wrote this song. Our version cracked the Top 100 on Billboard and Cash Box, but Crispian St. Peters had a number 4 smash with our song in 1966”. John Lennon told him “Pied Piper, that’s one of my favourite songs”

Old Crow – Crispian’s Band

Crispian St Peters and Old Crow finished their last album in 1993. It was eventually fully released on Red Admiral Records in September 2009 – as “Night Sessions Vol.1

Vocalists - Crispian St Peters - Margaret Rose - Brian Star - Gary Silver
Crispian said recently in a conversation after a spell in hospital, “I don’t think I will be around much longer, make sure that if you write about me, don’t forget the band, they have been the best friends anyone could have ”

Old Crow, was formed over 30 years ago. The name was thought of by Crispian’s steel guitar player, the late Gordon Huntley, with the help of bass player George Plummer, Gordon was also a man of fame and talent who performed and recorded with many of the most famous American country singers, his name can be seen in the Hall of Fame at Nashville.

Old Crow worked well together as one unit under the guidance and influence of the master - Crispian St.Peters. The man they loved and admired. When Crispian was forced to retire from regular performance due to a stroke in late 1993, the band carried on as Old Crow, never allowing the audience to forget that they were Crispian’s band. Although Crispian could no longer play guitar or perform on stage he was still their leader in every way. One happy unit of friends and family of long standing, they didn’t just work together they mixed as close friends in their social lives.

Chris Ashman
Red Admiral Records LLP
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Herkunft: Berlin
Beiträge: 51508
Dabei seit: 10 / 2008

Re: Crispian St.Peters - You were on my mind (plus)

Gepostet: 30.06.2010 - 02:15 Uhr  ·  #27
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Berlin
Beiträge: 51508
Dabei seit: 10 / 2008

Re: Crispian St.Peters - You were on my mind (plus)

Gepostet: 30.06.2010 - 02:16 Uhr  ·  #28
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Originalversion Pied Piper - englische Pressung

Gepostet: 27.09.2010 - 01:52 Uhr  ·  #29

hier auch mal die britische Pressung der Originalaufnahme von The Changin' Times auf Philips ...

Gruß Ralf
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Re: Crispian St.Peters - You were on my mind (plus)

Gepostet: 16.04.2021 - 08:45 Uhr  ·  #30
In #25 gab es den "Pied Piper" in deutscher Sprache von Eddie Freytag
(es gab auch noch Paola mit ihrer Fassung). Hier Gitte mit "You Were
On My Mind" in deutscher Sprache zur Zeit des Hits von Crispian St. Peters.
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Re: Crispian St.Peters - You were on my mind (plus)

Gepostet: 16.04.2021 - 09:55 Uhr  ·  #31
Hier ein gewisser "Lado" mit dem Cover von "Your ever changin' mind"
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